21 May 2010



Here are some photos of my Khador forces at the moment. I've played some games, but at the moment I haven't got the width and depth to really deal with what people throw at me. I need more Winter Guard, which I'll be getting when I'm back in the UK. I'm also looking at getting Karchev, because he's a nutter!
I'm not getting totally pantsed as of yet, but I'm not able to get good dice karma for Sorscha to do what she is supposed to do best. That being for her to re-arrange someone's face with her pickaxe-halberd-thingy... Ummm... Yeah...

I still have two more Widowmakers to finish off, but they shouldn't take me too long to do. The main issue I have is making the camo look subtle and effective. Varying shades of greens and browns with inks help in that regard.
I am still naming all of them individually in the Khador script using Slavic names and some rather stereotypical ones as well...

Hope you like the piccies. I'll try and put up some other bits up over the next few weeks afore I go back to the UK. I'm not going to be on hiatus when I'm back in the UK, but I'll be going hither and thither seeing friends and dealing with paperwork for a new job in Korea. If I do put any posts up it will be mainly Nid related.


English Pillock.

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