21 March 2011

PanO Models. 8 finished 7 to go.


Here are the photos of the PanO that I promised in my previous post. I now have 5 Knights painted (Magister, Montesa, Teutonic, Santiago and Hospitalier), a Bagh Mari, a Specialist Order Sergeant and a Trauma Doc (Flo).

They are all painted in a similar scheme, the only real variation is with the cloth pieces on the non-Knight miniatures. The fatigues, straps and beret are painted either with Catachan Green or Charadon Granite. A Badab Black ink was added liberally over most of the models to highlight and other things. I will say that they look much better in the flesh. Any photo I take fails to do the model justice.

I will say that Flo is one of the most hated miniatures at Orctown where Infinity is concerned. She did lose her first patient, but in a single game she went on a healing and climbing rampage, AFTER shooting a Tiger Warrior in the face and killing him. She healed one guy, climbed up 3". Healed a second guy and climbed up 3". She then did the same a third time. Fell down one floor, no harm. Fell down a second floor, no harm. Then she went to heal someone else in the following turn.
Even though I lost the game to my opponent (the certain German gentleman who introduced me to this game) and whom said many bad things about my PanO and especially Flo. I did much more damage, but I failed to get the objectives. Ho-hum... It was a good game none-the-less.

Hopefully I will put up photos of my newly painted Piggies, Khador and Retribution next time.


English Pillock

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