15 November 2011



It has been a while since I've posted anything, but I have had about a month sabbatical from posting. No idea why, but I think an elusive camera might have been one issue and me not painting much being the other.

Recently the Waterloo rules from Warhammer Historical has been on my mind a lot. I've had two games using the rules. one at 1100pts and one at 1500pts. I have bought a multitude of extras for the French and the British forces that I already had. 

Here is Uxbridge, Wellington's second in command during Waterloo. There are a few things wrong with him. His sash and cummerbund should be yellow with a red stripe through the middle, all that is orange on him should be yellow and it should be a leopard skin on his horse not a tiger.
Reasons why, I have no yellow paint. The green and red sash and cummerbund break up the orange and blue, and I like tigers.


English Pillock

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