Last week a parcel arrived from my friend back in England.
There was a rather large number of models and other goodies in the box.
Board, Rulebook, card counters, dice, Refbot, a team manager, 2 balls, acrylic counters, a roster pad and a trophy.
10 Corporation players (2 Guard, 4 Jacks and 4 Strikers)
10 Marauders (4 Orxs and 6 Goblins)
(the yellow one is my current idea for the final paint job)
10 Veer-Myn (2 Guards and 8 Strikers)
10 Forge Fathers (4 Guards, 4 Jacks and 2 Strikers)
Then there is a number of MVPs, John Doe, Number 88, Gorim Ironstone, Wildcard, Reek Rolat,Slippery Joe, Lucky Logan and the Enforcer.
John Doe
Number 88
Paint schemes are in the works.
Hope you like them.
English Pillock
Nice job on them Christian. I love your Tronesqe quarterback