07 May 2010

Random 2010 WFB League photos and More Khador...


Just to break up from the massive wall of text that was the last post here are pictures from last weekend. The top 7 are from the Orctown WFB League 2010. The games were Daemons vs Vampire Counts, Daemons vs Lizardmen and Lizardmen vs Lizardmen.

Here are some pictures of my Winter Guard that I bought on the weekend. I still see the Khador symbol as a Skaven glyph though...
Sorry that the photos are dark. The camera flash was too severe and the sun was being highly uncooperative....
I used a similar scheme to my Warjacks and my Bretonnians. They look pretty good in my opinion. Not as bright and shiny as PP's stuff, and I think it looks better. I always prefer the gritty and slightly shabby instead of the new paint job that a lot of other modellers like.


English Pillock

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